Your Guide to Incidental Findings on Head CTs

Head CT scans are useful tools for lots of different scenarios. If you've recently suffered trauma to your head, it allows your neurosurgeon to identify brain bleeds. Also, it can help them diagnose different types of strokes, tumours and even the progression of dementia. Sometimes, your medical team may see something on the scan that they weren't expecting. When this happens, they may refer to it as an incidental finding. If this scenario is new to you, it might help to learn more about what to expect.

Why Educational Assessments Are So Important for Students

If you are a parent, you probably like to stay on top of everything that is involved with your child's education. You might be aware of the fact that your child has to undergo regular educational assessments, and you might not be sure of whether or not you like this policy. After all, you might not really understand why educational assessments are done or why they are important. There are actually a few different reasons why educational assessments are so important for students.